You're looking at the code -- the notebooks are the code, with the exception of the Ellipse Editor and Console Scripts. Currently this is an anonymous mirror of a non-anonymous repository of a very similar name.
We weren't sure how to anonymously release a dataset on Zenodo. So for now, during the review process, we have datasets stored on Dropbox that are accessible via the get_data() function. Arguments to get_data
- 'cleaner' = Our Real dataset (clean-er than precleaned)
- 'preclean' = The aggregated output of 15 or more volunteers (per annotation) on Zooniverse
- 'spnet' = The formerly-private Real dataset from Hawley & Morrison's "ConvNets for Counting..."/"SPNet" paper. Released with the original authors' permission.
- 'cyclegan' = The 1200-image "CGSmall" subset of the public "SPNet Dataset Release" used for the SPNet paper. Note that the ring counts in this dataset are only integers.
- 'fake2' = We created a new 'fake' dataset like the one used on SPNet but without the former's limitation of integer-quantized ring counts. ...We didn't get a chance to CycleGAN it in time, but we plan to do so soon.
Pending favorable review, these datasets will be released on Zenodo with relevant authors' names.
Pretrained Model Weights
These too are stored on Dropbox for now, and the function get_checkpoint() is intended to load them as with get_data. We release weights for the real dataset tasks of
- bounding box detection
- counting rings in cropped images
- segmentation-regression
- segmentation (all one class)
Full Release Directory
The data and the weights both exist in Dropbox as sub-directories of a publicly-accessible espiownage-release
directory, accessible via this link. After the anonymous review process, a redirect will be placed there to point to the full (author-named) release repository.