Mod of Zach Muller's WWF 01_Custom.ipynb.

Here we'll take cropped images of antinodes and try to count the rings, by fashioning a regression model out of a one-class classification model and scaling the output sigmoid (via fastai's y_range parameter) so that our fitted values stay within the linear regime of the sigmoid.

And we also want to "clamp" our output between a min of about 0.2 rings and a max of 11 rings, because that's how the dataset was created; so sigmoid makes a good choice for this "clamping" too.


Installs & Imports

import espiownage
from espiownage.core import *
print(f"espiownage version {espiownage.__version__}")
CUDA available = True, Device count = 1, Current device = 0
Device name = NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 with Max-Q Design
hostname: oryxpro
espiownage version 0.0.47

And import our libraries

from import *
from espiownage.core import *

Below you will find the exact imports for everything we use today

from import L
from fastcore.xtras import Path # @patch'd properties to the Pathlib module

from fastai.callback.fp16 import to_fp16
from fastai.callback.schedule import fit_one_cycle, lr_find 
from import untar_data, URLs

from import RegressionBlock, DataBlock
from import get_image_files, Normalize, RandomSplitter, parent_label

from fastai.interpret import ClassificationInterpretation
from fastai.learner import Learner # imports @patch'd properties to Learner including `save`, `load`, `freeze`, and `unfreeze`
from fastai.optimizer import ranger

from import aug_transforms, RandomResizedCrop, Resize
from import imagenet_stats
from import ImageBlock
from import cnn_learner
from import download_images, verify_images

Run parameters

dataset_name = 'preclean' # choose from: 
                            # - cleaner (*real* data that's clean-er than "preclean"), 
                            # - preclean (unedited aggregates of 15-or-more volunteers)
                            # - spnet,   (original SPNet Real dataset)
                            # - cyclegan (original SPNet CGSmall dataset)
                            # - fake (newer than SPNet fake, this includes non-int ring #s)
use_wandb = False        # logging
project = 'count_in_crops' # project name for wandb
if use_wandb: 
    !pip install wandb -qqq
    import wandb
    from fastai.callback.wandb import *
    from fastai.callback.tracker import SaveModelCallback
path = get_data(dataset_name) / 'crops'; path
fnames = get_image_files(path)
print(f"{len(fnames)} total cropped images")
ind = 1  # pick one cropped image
3687 total cropped images

For labels, we want the ring count which is the number between the last '_' and the '.png'

def label_func(x):  
    return round(float(x.stem.split('_')[-1]),2)

cropsize = (300,300) # pixels
croppedrings = DataBlock(blocks=(ImageBlock, RegressionBlock(n_out=1)),
                    item_tfms=Resize(cropsize, ResizeMethod.Squish),
                    batch_tfms=[*aug_transforms(size=cropsize, flip_vert=True, max_rotate=360.0), 
dls = croppedrings.dataloaders(path, bs=32)

Train model

opt = ranger
y_range=(0.2,13)  # balance between "clamping" to range of real data vs too much "compression" from sigmoid nonlinearity
learn = cnn_learner(dls, resnet34, n_out=1, y_range=y_range, metrics=[mae, acc_reg05,acc_reg1,acc_reg15,acc_reg2], loss_func=MSELossFlat(), opt_func=opt)
/home/drscotthawley/envs/espi/lib/python3.9/site-packages/fastai/callback/ UserWarning: color is redundantly defined by the 'color' keyword argument and the fmt string "ro" (-> color='r'). The keyword argument will take precedence.
  ax.plot(val, idx, 'ro', label=nm, c=color)
lr = 5e-3
learn.fine_tune(30, lr, freeze_epochs=2)  # accidentally ran this twice in a row :-O
epoch train_loss valid_loss mae acc_reg05 acc_reg1 acc_reg15 acc_reg2 time
0 17.673943 11.602392 2.633210 0.130258 0.268657 0.397558 0.512890 00:21
1 14.108625 10.193328 2.579160 0.063772 0.181818 0.371777 0.499322 00:21
epoch train_loss valid_loss mae acc_reg05 acc_reg1 acc_reg15 acc_reg2 time
0 11.066119 5.478100 1.805679 0.164179 0.331072 0.535957 0.667571 00:28
1 9.819327 4.119735 1.618032 0.180461 0.375848 0.557666 0.693351 00:28
2 8.218352 3.253291 1.421669 0.208955 0.417910 0.629579 0.763908 00:28
3 6.109016 2.747886 1.263055 0.309362 0.514247 0.659430 0.762551 00:28
4 4.424803 3.013605 1.306242 0.280868 0.506106 0.666214 0.767978 00:28
5 3.551521 2.053637 1.073591 0.318860 0.597015 0.738128 0.849389 00:28
6 3.088981 2.078550 1.119599 0.295794 0.544098 0.740841 0.841248 00:28
7 2.950196 2.554464 1.209759 0.252375 0.531886 0.701493 0.811398 00:28
8 2.715012 2.051887 1.072478 0.328358 0.602442 0.742198 0.842605 00:28
9 2.612765 1.970868 1.024343 0.370421 0.624152 0.767978 0.849389 00:28
10 2.520985 2.267654 1.134395 0.309362 0.578019 0.738128 0.831750 00:28
11 2.523101 2.013526 1.044080 0.370421 0.624152 0.747626 0.831750 00:28
12 2.535560 2.191620 1.148523 0.275441 0.541384 0.732700 0.834464 00:29
13 2.445180 1.858936 0.953172 0.432836 0.667571 0.770692 0.852103 00:28
14 2.423127 1.967028 1.016301 0.393487 0.628223 0.754410 0.845319 00:28
15 2.352995 1.869333 1.010222 0.354138 0.641791 0.781547 0.854817 00:28
16 2.247230 1.833476 0.978170 0.400271 0.651289 0.785617 0.854817 00:28
17 2.266915 1.872557 1.009765 0.378562 0.632293 0.770692 0.846676 00:28
18 2.307936 1.933568 1.016596 0.379919 0.637720 0.770692 0.850746 00:29
19 2.320867 1.864849 1.021360 0.335142 0.614654 0.782904 0.852103 00:28
20 2.170270 1.879590 1.031659 0.314790 0.625509 0.778833 0.856174 00:28
21 2.283845 1.965627 1.025994 0.367707 0.613297 0.773406 0.848033 00:28
22 2.120085 1.727512 0.947537 0.404342 0.662144 0.789688 0.857531 00:29
23 2.157715 1.734464 0.959038 0.392130 0.643148 0.792402 0.857531 00:29
24 1.999560 1.752718 0.976414 0.370421 0.636364 0.792402 0.858887 00:28
25 2.041937 1.777050 0.988088 0.355495 0.643148 0.796472 0.857531 00:28
26 2.120789 1.760172 0.951541 0.412483 0.658073 0.786974 0.854817 00:28
27 2.033640 1.808924 1.013510 0.332429 0.630936 0.796472 0.858887 00:29
28 2.007848 1.802207 1.007568 0.335142 0.620081 0.795115 0.858887 00:28
29 2.012671 1.737373 0.956338 0.398915 0.658073 0.797829 0.860244 00:28'crop-rings-{dataset_name}')


preds, targs, losses = learn.get_preds(with_loss=True) # validation set only

I'll define a method to show a single prediction

def showpred(ind, preds, targs, losses, dls): # show prediction at this index
    print(f"preds[{ind}] = {preds[ind]}, targs[{ind}] = {targs[ind]}, loss = {losses[ind]}")
    print(f"file = {os.path.basename(dls.valid.items[ind])}")
showpred(0, preds, targs, losses, dls)
preds[0] = tensor([7.2803]), targs[0] = 9.25, loss = 3.879777669906616
file = 06240907_proc_01364_0_107_173_324_9.25.png

And now we'll run through predictions for the whole validation set:

results = []
for i in range(len(preds)):
    line_list = [dls.valid.items[i].stem]+[round(targs[i].cpu().numpy().item(),2), round(preds[i][0].cpu().numpy().item(),2), losses[i].cpu().numpy(), i]

# store as pandas dataframe
res_df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['filename', 'target', 'prediction', 'loss','i'])

We can do our own version of printing top_losses:

res_df = res_df.sort_values('loss', ascending=False)
filename target prediction loss i
736 06240907_proc_00877_0_101_188_316_2.0 2.00 7.82 33.921112 736
104 06240907_proc_00742_0_101_212_336_2.33 2.33 6.97 21.56799 104
237 06241902_proc_01283_142_75_291_218_2.0 2.00 6.50 20.252584 237
481 06240907_proc_00936_205_92_372_299_3.0 3.00 7.07 16.529354 481
656 06241902_proc_01176_151_78_278_213_1.67 1.67 5.68 16.079632 656
def show_top_losses(res_df, preds, targs, losses, dls, n=5):
    for j in range(n):
        showpred(res_df.iloc[j]['i'], preds, targs, losses, dls)
show_top_losses(res_df, preds, targs, losses, dls)
preds[736] = tensor([7.8242]), targs[736] = 2.0, loss = 33.921112060546875
file = 06240907_proc_00877_0_101_188_316_2.0.png
preds[104] = tensor([6.9741]), targs[104] = 2.3299999237060547, loss = 21.567989349365234
file = 06240907_proc_00742_0_101_212_336_2.33.png
preds[237] = tensor([6.5003]), targs[237] = 2.0, loss = 20.25258445739746
file = 06241902_proc_01283_142_75_291_218_2.0.png
preds[481] = tensor([7.0656]), targs[481] = 3.0, loss = 16.529354095458984
file = 06240907_proc_00936_205_92_372_299_3.0.png
preds[656] = tensor([5.6799]), targs[656] = 1.6699999570846558, loss = 16.079631805419922
file = 06241902_proc_01176_151_78_278_213_1.67.png

So then we can these results output into a CSV file, and use it to direct our data-cleaning efforts, i.e. look at the top-loss images first!

res_df.to_csv(f'ring_count_top_losses_{dataset_name}.csv', index=False)

When in doubt, look at the data...

Let's take a look at plots of this data

df2 = res_df.reset_index(drop=True)
plt.plot(df2["prediction"],'s', label='prediction')
plt.xlabel('Top-loss order (left=worse, right=better)')
plt.legend(loc='lower right')
plt.ylabel('Ring count')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Ring count')
plt.xlabel('Target ring count')
plt.ylabel('Predicted ring count')
(0.15349999999999997, 11.5165, -0.24350000000000005, 11.119500000000002)
print(f"Target ring count range: ({df2['target'].min()}, {df2['target'].max()})")
print(f"Predicted ring count range: ({df2['prediction'].min()}, {df2['prediction'].max()})")
Target ring count range: (0.67, 11.0)
Predicted ring count range: (0.2, 9.07)