External image URLs:

Via markdown tag: ![splash pic i made](https://i.imgur.com/vKiH8As.png) Here's the image: splash pic i made

Embedded images (draw.io)

Draw.io object via <img src=" (...Temporarily removed because it breaks w/ Liquid and I want to see fastpages complete a build...)

Workaround, loading it as a saved local image, next...

Local images

SVG: vector diagram svg

Plot.ly graphs

The interest in plot.ly is its support for interactive 3D graphs, which Altair doesn't support.

Note: in order to notebooks to save properly, one should either use only Google Colab, or manually edit the .ipynb file to make sure nbformat_minor is set to 4.

import plotly.graph_objects as go
from numpy.random import normal 

N = 100 
x, y, z = normal(size=N), normal(size=N), normal(size=N)
fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Scatter3d(x=x, y=y, z=z,mode='markers',  
        marker=dict(size=8,opacity=0.5), name="data" ) ])

Math support

Inline math: $f(x)$

Full line math:

$$ \sum_{i=1}^\infty f(x) $$

Resize image

original size: orig

width 2x:

A right-aligned paragraph.

Here is some center-aligned text

Here is some small text

This is an italicized quote with a link to Google.

Nested italics and links (this gets rendered as plaintext in the nbdev output for my PCA notebook):

"(Darn it, if only Plot.ly would support orthographic projections [2] it'd be a lot easier to visually compare the two datasets!)"