Interactivity Test

Testing Graphing Interaction in Fastpages

November 1, 2020

We’re going to try interactive function-plotting via a little javascript from Here’s the code we’re about to add, escaped so you can see it.

<script async="" src=""></script>
<r-svg-chart width="400", height="250" xlim="[-3, 3]" ylim="[-0.01,3]" xlabel="x" ylabel="ReLU(x)">
   <r-svg-eqn eqn="Math.max(0, x)" stroke="blue" stroke-width="3"></r-svg-eqn>

If you put the above few lines into a raw HTML file and open it in a browser, you get a nice plot of a ReLU activation (click for example).

Now we’ll add that code as raw HTML and see if the plot appears here:

<r-svg-chart width=“400”, height=“250” xlim=“[-3, 3]” ylim=“[-0.01,3]” xlabel=“x” ylabel=“ReLU(x)”>

How did we do? Did we get a plot?

No, for some reason Fastpages is escaping a few of the angle-brackets for line defining the r-svg-eqn object. Don’t do that, Fastpages! Leave my HTML alone!

A Hack That Works

Your images/ folder is theoretically just for images. But if you take the HTML code that you want to sneak past nbdev and put it in a file in the images/ directory, then you can load it via an iframe. So let’s put the above three lines in a file called iooxa_graph.html and save it in the images/ directory. Then we put the following in this post:

<iframe src="../../../images/iooxa_graph.html" width="700px" height="280px" frameBorder="0"></iframe>

And here we go:

Yea? :-) Now, why do that?

Well, because now we can have some more interactivity, like this LeakyReLU graph and some half-wave rectifiers. Below the graph(s), you’ll see numbers in blue that you can click and drag to change the value and hence the graph!

Nice. :-)